Uplifting, Focused, Calming, and Pain Relieving is what we hear the most from our testers. CBG is one of the very unique cannabinoids known as "The Mother of all Cannabinoids". In the plant's lifecycle, the majority of the cannabinoids start off as CBG. As the Flowering Cycle progresses, these initial CBG molecules evolve into the final expression of the particular strain whether that is a high THC content or CBD content along with all of the remaining minor cannabinoids that contribute to the 'Entourage Effect'. Breeders do what breeders do best; selection, selection, selection and stabilization. We find the best breeders we can, and our job is to Grow these genetics with the love and care that they deserve in order to reach their maximum potential. This particular strain, White CBG, is bred by Oregon CBD to concentrate on CBG production and is grown organically on our farm in Massachusetts. Our mastery comes into play with our slow dry and slow cure methods that offer us with a very smooth and tasty smoke that you can enjoy on the go. Contains 5, 1gram Pre-Rolled cones in a reusable child-resistant tin. Contains >15% CBG, <0.3% THC
Federally Compliant Hemp available for shipping to states that allow hemp flower.
Available in Select Massachusetts Cannabis Dispensaries. (We can ship hemp flower out of state, but we can't ship directly in Massachusetts.... the rules are just 'funny'... Someday there will be some more logic applied to the laws. Until then, we have to comply.)